Thursday, October 15, 2015

Day +8

Steven received platelets this morning along with a yummy TPN chaser.  He was more alert and talkative than yesterday but who isn't when they are watching Thursday night football!  For the first time in 4 days he ordered food, ginger-ale and crackers.  The crackers were still sitting on the table when I left, maybe tomorrow.

He had a great dream last night about a fire truck driven by a demonic woman (I'm sure that was me), a car with kids in the back seat, something about his cell phone melting into a rainbow of colors......  I want whatever he is getting in his IV.  WOW!

We had another wonderful visitor who donated platelets and then came over to say hello.  We are seriously amazed at the gracious outpouring of blood/platelet donors, cards, dog walkers, gifts, food, and prayers from our neighbors and friends.  We are speechless at the generosity and appreciate all of you!
This is like the movie, It's A Wonderful Life, except without the table of money at the end!   :)
Our table is full of other wonderful things.

And lastly, I want to thank the person who tried to buy over $1000 worth of electrical equipment on line using our credit card.  Thank you for giving us something else to deal with.  Any ninny knows I totally rewired the house yesterday…maybe you could have gotten away with it if you had bought $1000 worth of plumbing supplies.  Get your own credit card.  Thank you to Chase who denied this thief of his purchase.


  1. Hahahaha Dad never knew he had so many friends! (I hope you read that in Dana Carvey's SNL skit voice). So glad Dad's feeling better, and I definitely look forward to more trip dreams. Definite shoutout to Chase for vetoing that purchase. Ridiculous.

  2. We in St. Louis are all praying and thinking of you, Steve. Aunt Dorothy, xxxxxxxx

  3. Sending my love and prayers to Steve and his family. We miss him at work and are happy to see these updates that he is fighting the good fight! Feel better soon Steve, so you can watch the CUBBIES win the World Series!!!

